Welcome to Journal of a Trader, this is a personal blog to document and discuss experiences, new life lessons, trading, books and basically anything I come across on my journey to financial freedom. Whilst this blog is very much to document events and aspects of my life to be able to look back on my journey, I also wanted to share this blog with all of you incase anything I experience or learn can help others in some way.
I am a post grad uni student, I studied architectural design technology, whilst I definitely have a passion for design and architecture, I knew that I was made for more than a standard 9-5, I wanted to pursue more, live life, tick off goals and have everything some people only dream of. Throughout my journey, I began learning forex trading, which is what ultimately led me to the path I am currently on, and helped me to discover so many things, such as the power of the mind, mindfulness, health and lifestyle choices. On top of all that, it has allowed me to progress, obtain new things, new knowledge, and lead a much more open minded, positive life.
----Journal of a Trader