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BOOK REVIEW!! The riches within-Your seven secret treasures- By Dr John F. Demartini

So I started reading this book on the 18th of January and I try to read a little before bed every night. I read at this time as its quiet, peaceful, empowering right before bed and leaves me feeling inspired and ready to revitalize ready to get started on my goals the following day. The book is largely about realizing your power and how you can utilise your mind and change the way you look at things in order to empower you mentally, physically, and spiritually, thus improving areas of your life that you value such as career, family and finances.

When I read a book I have to be gripped, this book did just that! Within the first few pages I knew I already loved the book and was excited to read my way through it, without rushing it. Each chapter of the book focuses on different areas and gets you to consider a specific theme, with the end of the chapter having a task to help you achieve or understand the theme and empowering phrases to help reteach your mind to focus on positivity.

Currently I’m around half way through the book, and I’ve covered themes such as genius, immortality, divinity, and wealth. Some of these headings may seem confusing on first thought, however reading each chapter is so enlightening and not always what you expect. The book has many self-tasks and questions to ask yourself, I personally have decided to read the book first then go back and read it again and complete the book as a task book.

Chapter 1: Genius- This talks about the power of your vision, thinking about what you really want to do in life and allowing your mind to focus on this until you achieve it. It asks you to plan and write down you total goal lifestyle, in detail, every aspect, the more detailed the more clearer the vision in your mind will be. Another element it covers is how you view others, it states that whatever you see in others are elements that you inside yourself, whether it be what you like or dislike about that person. It also explains how fear or other negative emotions can hold you back and although you might desire something, your fear is actually preventing you from reaching that goal.

Chapter 2: Immortality- It also expresses ideas on your physical self, your health, sleep patterns, ways to motivate yourself, why we feel motivation. It urges you to plan ahead further than you may never have considered. The book states you should look ahead to your 120th birthday, imagine the day and plan your life all the way up to that point, because often the limiting belief of not living to see a certain age is just that, limiting. A subtle persuasion to your subconscious to allow your mind to start being grateful, and caring for your body, drink water, spend time in the sun, go for walks, be active, sleep well, eat well and enjoy what you eat, all necessary elements of a healthy life.

Chapter 3: Divinity- This chapter covers areas of spirituality and beliefs, not necessarily in a specific religion but rather your inner values. It encourages you to look into how you spend your time, what your time is most consumed by and that is likely your highest inner value. Then you consider how you spend your energy, what it is you really like doing, what you do for fun. How do you spend your money? Where are you most organized in your life? What do you talk to yourself about? What do you talk to others about? What are you goals? These are just a few of the questions this chapter get you to ask yourself, and help you to unravel your mind and help understand your mind.

Chapter 4: Wealth- This may not relate directly to the amount of money you acquire or are worth, but rather how you value yourself and what cost you believe your time is worth. You have to believe in yourself and value yourself before others will accept the same beliefs of you. It covers your cash flow, and saving, how you can rework your mind and bank account to save without the excuses.

So far this is how far through the book I have reached, but i felt an overwhelming urge to share the possibilities of the book and since reading this book I’ve felt more clear and invigorated to go and pursue my goals and tick of the daily activities I’ve set for reaching those goals. I’ve got another few chapters to look forwards to so I will write a update post once I finish the book.

Needless to say there is so much knowledge and potential in this book, the realization and mind opening topics are something that gripped me instantly and continue to have a hold on me. I recommend this book to anyone on a similar journey as me, but really anyone who reads this book and is willing to be open minded could really benefit from this book.

Happy reading, please subscribe :)

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