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12 Tips and tricks for an improved or more successful life
1- Always dress for the life you wish to lead This is effective in helping your mindset in envisioning and living out your goal...

I recently saw a vlog by Lewis Mocker, discussing how you can change your energy and vibrations, in order to transcend above negativity...

Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your true potential
I saw a quote the other day, ‘Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your own potential’ (Quote by Zig Ziglar). In the past seeing...

The obvious answer isn't always the right one!
So I haven’t been very active on here in a while, this is for a few reasons including working on some other business ventures, a lack of...

Get your goals written down!!
If you didn’t already know, its super important to set and write down your goals. There are so many reasons why it’s important to put...

Why I continue in the face of adversity
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Dreams Vs. Goals
Everyone has dreams, some small, some large, some that many will call unrealistic. The word unrealistic is defined as being something...

The power of a like-minded conversation!
It might seem small, but a conversation with a like-minded person can carry you far. Its encouraging and fulfilling being able to talk...

New found opportunities
Forex trading has without a doubt opened so many doors for me, and I’m still only learning, one of the biggest things I’ve learned is...

The struggle of breaking the trend!
One thing that I came across fairly soon in my journey is that trading doesn’t follow the trend! By this I mean it doesn’t follow the...
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