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The struggle of breaking the trend!

One thing that I came across fairly soon in my journey is that trading doesn’t follow the trend! By this I mean it doesn’t follow the normal expectations of what you should do in your life.

Mainstream society portrays an image or path that everyone should take, and a lot of people’s mindset conforms to this. Go to school, go to university or college, find a career, something that you will pay thousands to learn and then work in that career for the rest of your life, in order to pay that money back and make just enough to cover your outgoings, but never really feeling or having time to actually LIVE or enjoy the money you earn.

Trading expels mainstream thinking, it gives you a way to maximise the money you earn for less time. This is not a given way of earning a fortune, it takes, time commitment and learning, and its not for everyone. At the start, it will be a lot of learning, and often living poor, in order to save and invest money into your trading account. But ultimately it requires a changed mindset, and breaking the trend. This might sound simple, but sometimes it’s can be the hardest part to overcome, because when you break the trend it comes with judgment and questions from the people closest to you, that don’t understand what journey your on and don’t believe in your ultimate goal. This is very limiting to your mind and you need to overcome this by believing and imaging your goal and the steps you will take to get there, visualise yourself in that life, but also try and avoid the negativity of others who want to only put you down.

When your starting out and in the learning stages of forex trading, its often a lot of study and practice, in order to learn everything you need before going ahead and trading live and starting to earn. I personally spend my time studying courses and practicing with demo accounts and building my knowledge to reach my goal, I work from home part time and this allows me to be very flexible with my study hours.

My experience of breaking the trend is ongoing, as I work from home and im studying, everyone around me thinks I have all this free time and basically do nothing. Its strange how if you say your studying at university then that’s acceptable, but no one even hears me when I say what I do. As mentioned it can be limiting and frustrating, and personally I did react to this constant disbelief and then a powerful thought came to me. One day when I reach my ultimate goal, I have the exact life I want, I have money, and no worries, I have multiple business ventures and I love what I do with my time, those people who put you down and never listened or just thought I did nothing with my time, when I reach that goal, I will get asked how I did it, and my response?... I did absolutely nothing but sit at home all day.

The take home message, stay calm, try to realise that the people who don’t understand or even allow themselves to listen or try to comprehend what your working to, it doesn’t matter because you have your goal and you will achieve that goal with your hard work and determination, and you will prove everyone wrong. You are on a journey to bigger and better things, and on top of that, when the time comes, you will be LIVING your life because of your hard work now and not just making a living!

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