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I recently saw a vlog by Lewis Mocker, discussing how you can change your energy and vibrations, in order to transcend above negativity...

Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your true potential
I saw a quote the other day, ‘Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your own potential’ (Quote by Zig Ziglar). In the past seeing...

The E-Myth Book Review
I am currently reading ‘The E Myth-revisited’ by Michael E. Gerber; firstly I just have to say, within the first few pages I was...

Get your goals written down!!
If you didn’t already know, its super important to set and write down your goals. There are so many reasons why it’s important to put...

Formal education vs self education
Mainstream society will have you believe that you should follow a routine lifestyle, in order to live a good life. But what is a good...

100 days of gratitude
Before this New Year began, I purchased a gratitude journal; it’s a book, which requires you to journal a list of things everyday that...

My GBP/JPY trade
So last night (29/01/2017at 22:37) I placed a GBP/JPY trade. Today (30/01/2017 at 20:05) my position closed out on my trade securing a...
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