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Formal education vs self education

Mainstream society will have you believe that you should follow a routine lifestyle, in order to live a good life. But what is a good life?

Mainstream thinking/Society’s advice:

1-Go to school

2-Get a job

3-Get married

4-Get indebt

5-Work to pay off debt

6-Have kids

7-Retire at age 63


While these some of these aspects are great things to achieve, you have to consider that even though you attain these elements are you really spending the time you want to be able to live them to the fullest?

Non-mainstream thinking/Entrepreneur advice:

1-Go to school if you want to

2-Start a business

3-Work your hardest for yourself

4-Hire employee’s to be your team, and to free up your time

5-Travel the world

6-Date a boss, Marry a boss

7-Have boss children

8-Retire age 40


Just comparing the two mindsets average goals, is drastically different.

Having something you want is great but if you’re not free to use your time on those things when you obtain them, then what was it all worth?

My education:

Don’t get me wrong, I went through the system, I went through school, worked hard, opted to continue with sixth form, and then went to university and got a degree in architectural technology, following societys natural mindset that everyone is blinded to, it was whilst studying my third year of my degree that I came across forex trading and the lifestyle, and this is when my whole vision changed and the bubble of society regulations burst and I could see so much clearer, so when uni was completed a few months later I decided not to get a mainstream job, and instead I got something part time working from home and dedicated the majority of my time to studying forex, because I knew I wanted more for myself that just a mainstream life, even if it’s a high paid architectural position. Whilst I may not have riches yet, I have a plan and I know I will get there, and yes I could work part time in an architectural position and earn more on the side, but I don’t want to get pulled back into the mainstream lifestyle of a 9-5, and be constantly surrounded by people who don’t understand the journey I’m on.

Characteristics of different education types:

School education (formal):


-Uninspired leaders






-Worthless/Pointless projects



Self education (informal):


-In your own time






-Inspired learning



-Relevant projects

-Self discipline

-Unique opportunities

-Deeper investigation

-Different perspective

School education is a set curriculum which often doesn’t favour the individual, its about achieving an across the board grade average. If you want to go study this way and have a particular career goal that can be obtained through the generic route, then great, but for others who want something more in life, something personal, inspiring, built for you, then self education can often be such a great door opening way of seeing the world different and allowing the mind to want for bigger goals, and therefore LIVE life and not just work for it.

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