What a year it’s been and what a year is coming!- In this post I discuss a brief overview of my 2017 success and shortfalls, whilst also sharing some tips and tricks for goal setting for 2018!
It’s extremely important to look back on your progress as you move on into setting new goals for the new year. Allow yourself to look back on your success, your failures, your weaknesses, strengths and use these to help when setting your goals for the future.
I decided to share some of my success and downfalls here, to help encourage others to reflect on their own journey, and to help anyone else realise they are not the only one who made mistakes throughout the year. After all it’s often the failures in life, that allow room for learning and growth and exploration of new paths.
First let me reflect on everything that has made my 2017 great, and there are so many!
This time last year I was reflecting on what I wanted to achieve the coming year, writing down my goals, creating my vision, and trying to execute objectives that lead to the completion of these goals.
So since January 2017 I have tried out, learned, discovered, and grown so much, I have had experience days of trying out supercars, to help my visulisation for one of my future goals, I have expanded my knowledge on so many areas, vastly, constantly being interested in everything, and questioning everything, I am now at a point in time where every second I get I try and find the answer to a question and learn more. I have listened to audiobooks, read books, studied forex trading, developed my skills, refined my skills, journalled, and analysed to the point where I am ready to live trade. On top of this I have had a massive attitude change. In early 2017 I bought a gratitude journal, this journal was so important for helping undergo my mindset change! Firstly I became so much more aware of what I appreciated, in fact I started seeing everything in a positive way, always focusing on something I could be grateful for even in a negative situation, and also encouraging others to try and think more positively. From here I also explored meditation, and visulisation, as this is so important for achieveing your goals, how can you ever achieve something if you can't first see yourself with it?
On a materialistic basis, I got my new car this was a great achievement, and it encouraged me on to bigger and better things, I also got a watch, i bought so many books, purchased so many nice things and also paid down my outgoing finances!
In addition, I have tried out more foods, explored a healthier lifestyle through exploring varying health options such as intermittent fasting, and also juicing, both great experiences of which i learned so much and also adopted elements into my current lifestyle. In early 2016 I lauched this blog properly, which has allowed me to express my achievements and thoughts and share my experiences with others, of which I plan to massively increase and work on this blog in 2018 as I move onto bigger goals and plan to document them to help anyone else also on a similar journal. I also began to write a ebook which I hope to release later in 2018, I have also increased my social media following and impact, and I’ve consistently traded a demo account building up consistent returns, and journalling my progress.
Towards the end of 2017 I have also pursued a 9-5 job (I know right- why the hell did i do this?) in order to vastly increase my growing portfolio for investments and savings, of which I quickly progressed in my position over 3 months to a highly appreciated member of the team allowing me leverage in my position to reduce my hours and get a pay rise, in addition to learning new skills fully, and the reduction of time there allows me to spend more time working on forex trading and other goals. Another goal was to invest and save, in which I have bought various crypto currencies to add to my portfolio.
Throughout 2017 I have made some great contacts, been inspired by many and learned so much, some of those people i have mentioned below along with their instagram tag:
Thomas Russell (@thomasrussell13) , Lewis Mocker (@lewismocker), Robyn Louise (@robynlouise12), Jonny Godfrey (@jonny_godfrey), Matt Gornall (@m.r.gornall), Michael Bamber (@michaelbamber), Len Francis (@you2call_fx), Shaun Lee (@shaunfxlee), James Lewis (@indoor_photo_tips) and so many more! Thanks for the chats, wisdom, motivation and just awesome content!
Now whilst I have achieved so many great things, the list of my goals is ever growing and there are goals that I still have not reached, for example, I planned to begin live trading earlier this year, but at the time I felt I wasn’t in a consistent enough position in order to go live, so i made the decision to extend and get in a more firm position. I also would like to have reduced my outgoing finances more, whilst i have already reduced my outgoings i still have more reduction to do. I also planned to read more than i have, so although I have increased my reading and knowledge intake this can definitely be increased for 2018. I also wanted to lose more weight, and get into a regular exercise routine as well as take up regular swimming as I love to swim, whilst I have lost some, and have been swimming in parts, theres massive room for improvement here, I want to make a much more consistent regular weekly schedule into my life. So for anyone else who feels they haven't achieved everything on their goal list so far, this just goes to show that I don’t always achieve everything either, however I have no worries about any of these, as I just continue them into 2018, re-worked, re-evaluated, and ready to go and achieve them.
So tips for goal setting for anyone who hasn’t yet planned for the new year:
1-Think about what you want to achieve and how you envision your life in a years time
2-It may help to split your goals into sections such as: health goals, lifestyle goals, finance goals, personal goals, education goals, material goals etc…
3-Write all of your goals down
4-Go over or consider previous goals, write them down and check off the ones you have completed, ones that are incomplete, and ones that you want to improve one, and work these into your new year goals.
5-Have confidence in your vision, even when others may not believe in you.
6-Create a weekly schedule so that you can effectively work on each goal a dedicated amount per week or month in order to keep moving towards your goal completion.
7-Find a friend, mentor or contact to share your goals, someone who has similar goals and values to yourself, they will help motivate you and keep you motivated while you do the same for them.
8-Never give up on your goals, if you need a break take a break, that’s better than stopping all together, everyone has tough times, and everyone fails but it is how you face and deal with that failure that determines the success of your future.
Good luck to all of you overachievers, dark horses, that others don’t always believe in, believe in yourself, believe in your goals, believe in your vision.
Happy New Year Guys, May 2018 Be Fruitful and Ridiculously Successful!