I saw a quote the other day, ‘Passion is born when you catch a glimpse of your own potential’ (Quote by Zig Ziglar). In the past seeing this quote I would have just passed it off, or considered that it meant what career or job you wanted to have in the future. However, seeing this the other day, after knowing what I know now and learning about mindset and understanding things on a much deeper level, reading this quote really hit me, because of the truth that it portrays. You know when you get that feeling, that sudden urge that makes you want to suddenly get up and want and do work for hours on an idea you’ve had, that is the glimpse of passion the quote refers to.
Something that bursts out in the form of passion when you have an idea or are about to do something you love, something that doesn’t feel like work, but instead stimulates your mind and gives you enjoyment.
If that isn’t the goal for everyone including yourself, then I would advise really considering how you want to spend your life. Ask yourself, what is your passion, do you even know? most people catch glimpses of it but ignore it, or pass it off as a hobby, or something they might do very occasionally when they have time around their work schedule. Why should it be like that? It shouldn’t, why not create a ‘job’ around the subject of your passion, that way you never feel tied down or unhappy with what you do. If you love something, make it your income! If you love to travel, then create a travel review site, or blog, a business that not only shares your love and passion for travel and places you’ve visited but also allows you to put your travels as an expense, or business tool, it could encourage others to try out your passion or to find their own. Everyone should be able to enjoy their passion, but unfortunately only a small percentage of the world, actually realise their true passions and potential.
I also saw something on Instagram, something I have seen many times, where when your young, you have time and energy but no money, when you’re an adult, you have money and energy but no time, then when your old, you have time and money but no energy. It’s a terrible chain reaction, in which every stage loses out. So what if you could change that and make it so that when your in the middle stage or any age really, you can:
1-Do what you love as a career, totally on your own terms, picking your own holidays and work hours etc. 2-Get paid for it.
3- Inspire others, or show them how they can also do it.
All whilst having the time, money and energy for what you love! Surely that’s the simple answer?
In most cases it is and if you’re motivated enough, there are many ways to achieve what you are aiming for, sometimes though, you may work at a job for a short while to get income in to start your dream business, and that’s not a bad thing either. If you have the will power to put your efforts into a job you don’t love but know its helping you achieve a much bigger goal, then that’s motivation and passion in itself, its serving a much bigger purpose.
So if you are someone who doesn't:
-Know what you want to do in life.
-Know what your passion is.
-Enjoy your job.
-Have time for yourself or family.
-Or any other reasons, then what should you do?
Tips for figuring it out:
1-Read my last post about books that entrepreneurs should read, or look back at some of the book reviews i've posted, as the books I talk about are great books to instil motivation, and help you figure out and ask yourself the right questions.
2-Think of something you love to do, that no matter how you feel or what mood you’re in, you would always choose to do that thing, as that’s likely to be something you’re passionate about.
3-Plan out ways to monetise your passion and idea, figure out how to create a business and make money based around what you love.
4-Always write down your goals, as studies show, those who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them.
5-Don’t worry or concern yourself with what others think of your new venture, they don’t live in your shoes, and a few years down the line when they see success, they will be asking how you did it-Always keep that thought in your mind.
You might wonder what my passion is? The answer is I have several passions currently:
-Forex trading- I love learning new things, especially things where you have to apply yourself and it only is successful if I put the work in.
-Blogging- Because I love to write, and also it’s a great way to keep track of my progress whilst also sharing posts that could be useful for others!
-Design- I’m an artistic person who loves to design and I try to explore that in everything I do, E.g. Photography, and web design.
If it's not already clear, you can have more than one passion, and your passions can change with time, that’s ok, just try to figure out a way or plan to do what you love.
Thanks for reading
~Journal of a Trader