I recently saw a vlog by Lewis Mocker, discussing how you can change your energy and vibrations, in order to transcend above negativity and others who do not have the same values as yourself, in order to lead a happier less stressful life.
Lewis has a way of breaking questions down into really understandable and relatable terms, so how do you change your level of vibration in order to transcend?
Quite simply, everyone has values, things in their life that they believe in, believe should be done in a certain way, things you like and dislike, habits or bad habits you dislike, the list goes on.
Each of these dislikes and values work as ‘filters’ within the mind, therefore the more values or things you believe in, means the more filters you have to surpass and therefore you have a more dense vibration. The more filters we have in our minds also affect the way we judge others, and how open minded we are, the less filters the more open we are to different situations, people, lifestyles etc.
Now most people’s values are formed from an early age, basic manners, family traditions, habits that you dislike that you’ve seen in others. Something as simple as washing your hands before every meal, or never putting your elbows on the dinner table, and as a result, when someone you are around does something that doesn’t align with those values, you may judge them, instead of being more open minded, as judging them is only weighing you down in terms of vibrations and values.
Quite often you find yourself surrounded with like-minded people, the friends you keep, the people you talk to, there’s a reason for it, they have been selected by you, mostly on a subconscious level determined largely by the values you share. Even when looking for a partner to begin a family with, you may have aligned values, however, values may be the same in name to each person but different in perception. As the book ‘The Values Factor’ explains, two parents may have the value of nurturing their child, one parent may believe in encouraging a child, whilst the other parent may believe that rules and discipline will nurture the child. So whilst two people have the same value, even perception can make this value differ further.
So what happens when you begin to change, because you are breaking away from mainstream society, changing your mindset, working towards your true passions? Wel,l once you allow yourself, your values will change, your mind will become more open, less controlled by the values you used to hold, less judging towards others, less resentful to those higher up the chain than you, instead of being resentful, you will look to these people for inspiration, as a target to achieve in the future, and thus this process will unclog your mind of judgments and allow you to transcend above this level.
Ultimately, the higher your transcend the happier you are, you have less worries, less weighing you down or holding you back, and just knowing and being aware of this helps and your limiting factors can help you to acknowledge your thoughts and actions, and see and ‘edit’ the values you currently uphold.
I love watching inspirational/education vlogs, reading blogs, articles and books to find snippets of importance that really resonate with me, if your like me and found interest in this then Lewis Mocker is one of many great inspirations always sharing awesome theories like this and I've linked his YouTube channels below for anyone interested in subscribing :)
Lewis Mocker snaps- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN11X6iuLnSeUosmN_Ib0VA
Lewis Mocker- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXbVZEm3KSZ6VPelb3tKh_A
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~Journal of a Trader