Forex trading has without a doubt opened so many doors for me, and I’m still only learning, one of the biggest things I’ve learned is about mindset as mentioned in previous posts.
Mindset is so powerful and its because of my changes that I have opened my eyes to opportunities that have always been available but that in the past were just things I overlooked because I thought I couldn’t do it, or couldn’t afford it etc. etc.…
Since reading and learning about mindset and having a more positive attitude and a clearer idea of my life goals elements of my life began to change.
One of the first things I did was go out and get laser eye surgery. Firstly I would never have considered this before, it was just a way of life, wearing glasses everyday, the headaches, the not being able to wear sunglasses when driving unless they were prescription glasses! I was of the mindset that it was just something a few wealthier people do. A few months before myself, my dad went in for the surgery, something in the past he’d considered, but always felt it wasn't what they had advertised because of all the different options. Over the years the laser eye surgery industry has dramatically grown and so there was a lot more information and a clearer idea of what was available and what you're eligible for. So after seeing amazing results from my dad, I booked a consultation, and began proceedings for laser eye surgery. From here once i'd gone through the checks and determined what surgery I would need, I ended up managing to negotiate to have he surgery at a offer price my father had, which resulted in a £1000 discount, instead of just accepting the cost they said!
To add a little perspective, I have always been someone that is somewhat afraid of change, I would never voluntarily go ahead with a procedure like this especially with the costing. Something in me had changed, I was very relaxed, I was excited, not too nervous, until the day of course, everyone I had told thought I was mad, that they would never be able to do it, so I surprised myself at how at ease I was, no anxiety or stressing, even though I was aware of the pain and side effects of my particular surgery (Lasek). All in all, the procedure took around 2-3 minutes per eye, I was awake with anesthetic in my eyes, the recovery was very painful for me, as I do not do well with pain, I couldn’t see clearly until around 3 weeks, but wow, the results are incredible, I can see, without glasses and I’m grateful everyday for my new vision and its something I would absolutely recommend to anyone.
Another opportunity I have experienced is a supercar day, this is something so common, anyone can do it but I had such limiting mindset that I felt it was just for people who could afford it. I was given the experience as a gift, booked it and my father and I went off and raced around in supercars for the morning. This particular experience encouraged a passion and drive in me for excitement and thrill, its something I intend to do again many times, the way I look at it is that I’m not just going to play in fancy cars as a one off experience, but rather to test drive potential future cars I plan to own over the next few years.
My new car is another big accomplishment, I’ve always had a high expectation when it comes to cars, I wanted something nice for my first car, but as most people realise, its not overly realistic when you consider insurance, so of the limiting 'be realistic' mindset, I started off with a basic Ford KA, I didn’t like it personally, but it was a car and it did the job, shortly after I came across a street KA, it’s a much nicer convertible version of a KA that’s got a bigger engine and is all round better, I bought the car, without considering insurance, which was in hindsight an empowering move, I got the car and knew it would be mine and I would drive it no matter what, when it came to insurance, the company I was with declined me, I began to panic, but it was too late for that, the car was mine and I needed insurance, so I continued looking and called a company who ended up quoting me for over £500 less a year than I was paying for the basic KA with a smaller engine! Which just proved that just buying the car and visualising myself in it resulted in finding an even better insurance option. Crazy. So I came to the conclusion that this new car was something I would be with for a while, it had to last, I couldn’t possibly get a new car, until…..I did! My KA wasn’t right for me anymore, I started looking for a new cheap run around, that was also nice and preferably nicer than my current car, as I don’t want to go backwards, so i began looking at a mini, it was nicer than my current car, however this escalated quickly and i ended up specifying a car twice as much. i was looking for a and looking for a 2009 BMW 1 Series, I had pictures myself in one, looked endlessly at photos and specifications and as the phrase goes 'thoughts become things'. I came across a newer model, a 2011 BMW 1 Series sport, with all leather interior, and it was exactly what I had been envisioning. Proving that mindset, and visulisation, even though I was looking at something older and not the sport model, the car in my mind wasn’t just ordinary and ultimately the universe bought to me the car I asked for.
While these opportunities I have discussed may not seem like much or too extravagant, what I learned was that these were opportunities I would have never took, because I would have only ever overlooked them or passed them off as something I would never have, when I changed this way of thinking, and thought about what I wanted, great things happened, and continue to happen, if you ask for opportunities the universe will provide, and I’m getting closer to the ultimate goal everyday.
Keep striving for your goal lifestyle, and embrace the opportunities as they come without passing them off as something that doesn't apply to you, you can't afford, or whatever other reasons make you feel some opportunities do not apply to yourself, if you change your way of thinking it will absolutely change your life!
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