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Dreams Vs. Goals

Everyone has dreams, some small, some large, some that many will call unrealistic. The word unrealistic is defined as being something that is not real or practical, hence perhaps why dreams are often referred to as being unrealistic. Dreams are imaginative processes in which you imagine all the nice things you wish you could have but perhaps believe you will never have them. So what if we change our dreams to goals?

Goals are defined as an aim, or a target at which effort is directed towards, and thereby completing objectives in order to complete the goal. Goals are projects; they are viewed in a different manner in respect to your brain. Simply writing a goal down, thinking about yourself obtaining that goal and seeing yourself with the item or whatever it may be is much more effective than just thinking or ‘dreaming’ about them.

Many studies have been carried out researching the effect of writing down a goal. 'Harvard carried out a study that asked students if they have a clear set of written goals of the future, the results showed that only 3% had written goals, 13% had their goals in their mind, and the other 84% had no goals at all. Ten years later the same group of students were asked about their goals and current lifestyle. The 13% of students that had goals in their minds, were earning twice the amount of the 84% that had no goals, and the 3% who had written down their goals were earning on average 10 times as much as the whole class combined.' The information of this study was sourced from elitedaily, and the detailed survey of this can be found at:

This proves my point and clearly demonstrates how powerful it can be to write and visualise your goals. Write down your goals, it can make such an incredible difference in your life, read your goals each day, it helps tell your subconscious mind what you want to achieve and thereby helps you achieve it sometimes without even feeling like your actively working towards it.

You can plan your goals however you see fit, everyone is different, some prefer to set daily goals, or to do lists, others have detailed yearly, 5 year or 10 year plans with much larger goals. I personally have a goal journal, I use it to set daily goals, weekly, monthly and yearly goals, I also have lifestyle goals, health goals, finance goals. There are so many types of goals that you can create categories for, start simple, or plan every area in your life in aim to dramatically improve your lifestyle, and once you start seeing the proof and realising the potential you will do it more and more and create bigger goals. No goal is too big or too ‘unrealistic’, as the saying goes ‘You can do or be anything you want to’.

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