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Benefits of Juicing!

I recently started juicing, thanks to the encouragement of my dad, and I have to say I love it!!

Juicing has so many benefits.

The benefits include:

- Full of vitamins and minerals especially with it all being raw foods.

- Easy way to get more fruit and veg into your diet.

- Calorie reduction without nutrient deprivation.

- Removes insoluble fibre-this allows for increased absorption of specific health promoting phytonutrients including enzymes.

- Feeds good bacteria to the gut.

- Detoxifies.

- Improves skin.

- Contain compounds called phytoprotectants- helps fight illnesses.

- Helps prevent diseases.

On top of this, each type of ingredient you use also has its own benefits (explained later in this post).

For the first week, I chugged the juice down, trying not to taste it, as i was conscious of what was going in to them, specifically fruit and veg that i really dislike, such as celery, kiwi, and beetroot. To my surprise, the worst part wasn't the taste instead it was the bits that come through the juicer,as I much prefer a smooth juice, however this dramtically improved when we upgraded to a better juicer). I was having 2 or 3 juices a day, as well as a cup of soup for lunch and then my usually evening meal.

Into the second week of juicing I started to like the taste more, and started to enjoy the flavours and therefore drink it slower. i looked forwards to my daily juices and even started to try and get others in my family to try it, knowing that i had come round to them and how good they are for you!

By the third week I was making the juices by choice, even willingly putting in the foods i didn't like, and found out exactly how to create the perfect juice that I loved.

In my favourite super juice I include:

1 Lemon- restores the body’s ph. Good for your liver. Rich in vitamin C. cleanses the bowels. Antibacterial properties. Strengthens blood vessels. Contains anti cancer compounds. The lemon is the only food in the world that is anionic (an ion with a negative charge).

1 Lime- Improves skin. Aids digestion. Helps ease constipation. Regulates blood sugar levels. Aids weight loss. antioxidant.

2-3 Apples- Aids weight loss. Lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Has prebiotic effects and promotes good gut bacteria. Contains compounds that help fight asthma. Aids bowels.

2-3 Pears- Helps prevent cancer and heart disease. Controls blood sugar levels. Boosts immune system. Increases energy levels. Aids digestion. Regulates blood pressure. Anti-inflammatory.

1 Cucumber- Keeps you hydrated. Flushes toxins. Contains vitamin A, B and C. Aids weight loss. Reduces the risk of cancer. Stabilises blood pressure. Helps reduce muscle and joint pain. Reduces cholesterol.

2-3 Kiwis- Aids digestion. Balances blood pressure. Boosts immunity. Aids weight loss. Regulates bowels. Removes toxins. Creates an alkaline balance. Its also one of the top 10 safest foods from pesticide residues.

3 Large carrots- Improve vision as they are rich in beta-carotene which gets converted to vitamin A in the liver and then transformed in the retina for night vision. Slows the ageing process. Helps prevent cancer. Cleanses the body. Helps prevent stroke.

3-5 Sticks of celery- Reduces inflammation. The minerals help to soothe the nervous system and help stress relief. Good for the eyes. Reduces cholesterol.

2x3cm Portion of ginger- Ginger has very powerful medicinal properties. Helps reduce nausea. Reduces muscle pain. Anti-inflammatory effects. Lowers blood sugar and improves the risk of heart disease. Treats chronic indigestion. Reduces menstrual pain. Lowers cholesterol levels. Improves brain function. Fights infection.

½ Pineapple- High in vitamin C in one serving it contains 130% of the daily vit C requirements. Aids the creation of collagen in the body. Cancer prevention qualities. Aids digestion. Prevents illnesses. Strong calcium content, which improves bone strength. Strengthens gums and tightens tissues. Good for your eyes. Regulated blood pressure and helps blood circulation.

Additional extras:

A few strawberries – Antioxidant. Contains Vitamin C. Promotes eye health. Anti cancer properties. Helps collagen production. Reduces inflammation. Fights bad cholesterol. Regulated blood pressure. Good defense type 2 diabetes.

A small handful of blueberries – King of antioxidants. Reduces DNA damage. Lowers blood pressure. Improves memory. Helps fight urinary tract infections. Helps reduce muscle damage.

A small handful of raspberries- Cancer fighting properties. Improves fertility. Boosts mood and memory. Anti-inflammatory properties. Boosts immunity. Maintains eye health. Aids weight loss.

1 Orange- Help protect from cancer. Lowers cholesterol. Rich in potassium. Stimulates digestion. Fights viral infections. Maintains eye health. Protects the skin. Regulates high blood pressure. Balances out the body of acids. High in vitamin C.

It’s definitely a good idea to invest in a juicer and start drinking a juice a day, purely for the nutrients and health benefits you will get from it. You could also use juicing to help lose weight by supplementing it in place of meals or snacks, as the juices are full of nutrients but without the mass and fibre of the actual fruit, making it super low calorie and super healthy.

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*Disclaimer- Please note, I am not a medical professional and all information was sourced from juicing books, and medical nutrition sites.*

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