Sorry for not posting in a short while, I usually try to post between once or twice a week to keep up consistency. So, that begs the question, what have I been doing since the last post, work wise?
My last post was about passion, figuring out and working towards your passion, since then I have definitely been focusing on and working towards my passions, focusing on improving my trading, getting ready to go live, specifically practicing on the trading view platform as I still haven’t quite figured everything out! On top of that I’ve been looking into some social media based courses and aiming to improve my knowledge of all things social media and personal branding, as I think this is a massive part of todays society, marketing and business growing especially for aspiring entrepreneurs like myself.
I must say, I am really enjoying learning about the social media platform, one, because I enjoy learning new things and two, because its fascinating how little things to do with the social platforms actually are way more powerful than I have ever considered.
With this newfound knowledge, a positive outlook, my written goals, and clear visulisation of what I’m going to achieve means that...
…This year is going to be my year, maybe not my year where I achieve everything I want, as I know that’s a process, but it will definitely be the year of great beginnings. By the end of this year I will be live trading, I will have or be part of multiple businesses, I will have gained confidence, I will be making money, and I will be happy.

So apart from that, I’ve been enjoying the sunny UK whilst we have it, a few parks and lakes have been explored and appreciated and I even have a little sunburn! As well as that I have decided to enter a small photography competition for a local garden centre, as I love photography since studying it from A-Level, and even though I have a pretty basic and old DSLR camera with the completely standard 18-55mm lens, I try to make the most of it and love a bit of creativity and capturing the details of the world surrounding me. So im focusing on flowers, nature and maybe a few landscapes for the competition, and at the very least, I have some new photos to add to my collection!
I also picked up a new book this week, if you follow my personal account on instagram you may have seen my post, the book I purchased is ‘How the secret changed my life’ it’s a follow on from ‘The secret’ book by Rhonda Byrne, which, may I add, if you haven’t read you should definitely get it! So the new book is a collection of people who talk about how their lives were changed from The secret, which I think is going to be an awesome addition to the collection, and even more inspiring, hearing of real people and how they have achieved their goals.
I hope everyone has had a productive two weeks and is striving for greatness and i hope you all are getting closer to living your passion everyday. Here’s to a new week, good weather and positivity from every angle.
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