You might ask or wonder why would I want to push boundaries or make myself feel uncomfortable?
The simple answer: like the famous saying ‘A comfort zone is a great place, but nothing ever grows there’, similarly ‘if your not willing to take a risk, you can’t expect to grow’.
Put it this way, if you do the same things throughout your life, you will never know any different, but doing something different, that instills fear or makes you uncomfortable, as that uncovers new emotions, often teaches you a lesson or changes you in some way. Sometimes the lesson you learn perhaps teaches you to not be afraid of something, e.g facing your fear of heights, once you’ve faced it a few times, you might feel you have overcome the fear or you may still dislike heights, but ultimately you learned something, and you grew.
More recently I have been trying to push myself to do things that make me uncomfortable, even if its just something small, or may even seem insignificant to others, but as long as it challenges me in some way, then I’m growing.
Some of the things include:
-Laser eye surgery
-Supercar days
-Starting a blog
-Long drives to new places
-Breaking out of mainstream thinking
-Becoming more confident and self-assured
So why did these things push my boundaries or make me uncomfortable?
Although some of these may be small, or something you’ve even done yourself and may think its nothing boundary pushing, everyone is different. The long drive and supercar experience are fairly everyday things for most people, however, many people around me have pushed an opinion towards me that I was an unconfident driver and don’t like motorways, even though I never personally felt this way, over time it began to take an effect without me realising. So in order to stop this, on occasion, when there has been a need, I drove to places I hadn’t been before that required me using the motorway or driving for an hour or more, and sure enough I’m not nervous to do it. Doing this made me 100% confident in myself and my driving and has proved to others that I’m confident too, not only do i feel great for proving this to myself i actually enjoyed it too!
Another thing, as discussed before, is undergoing laser eye surgery, this was massive for me, something I believe I never would have done, if I hadn’t chosen the path I’m on now. That path being self-development, breaking away from mainstream society, learning the power of the mind etc. It was a worrying surgery as you are awake during the procedure, I stupidly watched a video of the procedure, which probably wasn’t the best thing to do as its quite gut wrenching for some, and of course as I lay in the surgery chair, blinded by lights, with fidgety feet, and the smell of sterilised surgical tools surrounding my head, they put the numbing drops into my eye and began. All I could think of is the video and I knew exactly what they were doing as they did it! Scary! But thankfully the procedure is so quick so I didn’t manage to get into a panic. After that my vision and eyes didn’t heal as quick as other methods of surgery, but after a good 3-4 weeks my vision was impeccable and I am grateful everyday knowing how good my eyesight is now. So the risk that was quite worrying actually paid off with amazing results. (If anyone’s curious, this is the video I watched, and this was the type of surgery I had >> Click here for Lasek eye surgery video
Most recently, starting a blog was a big boundary pushing experience as i am quite reserved and shy, this may seem so small and insignificant, but the emotions that come along with starting a blog, publishing posts, and ultimately trying to write something personal but interesting with hopes that people will actually want to read, is quite a daunting experience. I must say I’m much more at ease with the blog now, but I still meticulously read and reread and edit my posts until I am happy and then just believe that others will relate and enjoy my writing. (Shout out to anyone if you’re reading this right now! Thank you for the support)
So these are just some of the things and ways that I have tried to make myself uncomfortable or do something that has an awesome outcome, because most likely, even if you don’t like it you either learn something or grow!
Feel free to comment below how you push your boundaries, if you've been sky diving and faced a fear of heights, if you've started to learn something new, anything no matter how big or small feel free to comment or share your experiences by email.