I have been researching some of the best books for entrepreneurs to read in order to progress on the journey to entrepreneurship. I researched and read many articles and compared all of the articles to give a concise and collective top 10 that particularly applies to those building businesses, and brands, forex traders, and generally motivational or mindset elevating content.
The articles include suggestions from Forbes, entrepreneur.com fortune.com and eofire.com (Links to full articles listed later)
Top ten books that every aspiring entrepreneur needs to read (Not in any specific order):
Unshakeable- Tony Robbins
-This book reveals how someone can not only maintain true peave of mind in a wolrd of immense uncertainty, economic volatility, and unprecedented change, but who can profit from the fear that immobilizes so many. The books covers themes such as: how to put together a simple, actionable place that will deliver true financial freedom. Strategies from the worlds top investors. The fastest ways to put money back into your pocket, and to uncover the hidden fees and half truths of wall street.
2. All in- Bill Green
-This book is for those with big ideas and passions, plans and goals, those that see the goal and want to be successful but don’t necessarily know how to achieve it. Bill Green, provides knowledge of his own achievements, as well as downfalls, and also introduces practical tools needed to launch your own idea. In this book there are 101 key insights into business.
3. Grit- Angela Duckworth
-Grit is a book about the power of passion and perseverance, the book shows anyone that is striving to succeed that the secret to outstanding achievement is a special blend of passion and persistence which she calls ‘grit’.
4. Be obsessed or be average- Grant Cardone
-This book is loaded with practical ideas to help you achieve greater success, but much faster than you thought possible. The book explores the theme of how anyone can be average but if you don’t want to settle for average then you can become much more, and this book helps lead you to this greater potential.
5. Shoe dog- Phil Knight
-Shoe dog is a memoir about Phil Knight, creator of Nike, and how his path of struggle and sacrifice, combined with his passion to succeed, lead to the success of his business and brand Nike. Whilst this book not only provides an insight Phil Knight and his struggles, it also gives insight into the growth and expansion of the brand.
6. Think and grow rich- Napoleon Hill
-Napoleon Hill created this book in 1937 as a personal development and self-improvement book. It covers largely the law of success and the 16 laws to become successful, which have been condensed into 13 principles or steps to achieve success. The steps are often told through means of stories of success or lessons, which makes for an interesting read.
7. How to win friends and influence people- Dale Carnegie
-This book teaches you how to discover new thoughts, and ambitions, enable you to make friends quickly and easily, it will teach you how to increase your popularity, help you to win people to your way of thinking. It also increases your influence, your ability to get things done, enabling you to win customers and clients, and therefore increase your earning power. The book has many more lessons that improves your influence and power ultimately to earn money.
8. The E myth revisited- Michael E Gerber
-The E myth is a book about the entrepreneurial myth of starting your own business; it covers why most small businesses don’t work and what to do about it. The book discusses different business roles, that all have to be present in order for a business to work. It cleverly uses a storyline example to explain and show why certain mistakes happen, the detriment of the mistakes and the things you can do to avoid or fix them. (I have actually written a book review on my blog for this book, to read the post click here.
9. Start with why- Simon Sinek
-This book is for those who want to inspire others and also for those who want to find someone to inspire them. It covers why some organisations are more successful than others, why their success is repeatable, and covers the WHY. The book analyses great leaders and decodes their ‘why’.
10. Tools of titans- Tim Ferriss
-In this book the success and performance of athletes and success of celebrities, and scientists. The book contains the tools and tactics and ‘inside baseball’ and the daily routines of these people. The book ultimately comes together to form high leverage tools to help you achieve success for yourself.
Whilst I have read some of these books, I have not at this moment read them all, but definitely will be adding them to my reading list for the summer!
Whilst this list isn’t exclusively specific to just the themes of forex, motivation, mindset, or entrepreneurship, I have tried to combine books that will be beneficial to all of these areas, as each book has positive and influential knowledge and lessons that can help any aspiring entrepreneur.
To see the original articles and the top 10 lists I combined to create this top ten, use the links below:
Other books I recommend:
-The 4-hour work week- Tim Ferriss
-The riches within- Dr John F. Demartini
-Grinding it out: the making of McDonalds- Ray Kroc
-The secret-Rhonda Byrne
Some of the books mentioned can be found and purchased through my product page, click here to go to the product page.
Thanks for reading, feel free to message and let me know if you've read these books, or found inspiration.
*Disclaimer* this suggestion is that made from my own personal research, and is of my own opinion, this is not professional advice, and therefore should not be held as such. The list shown above, was that generated by myself from several sources, after I had chosen what I believed to be the most appropriate for this audience.
~Journal of a trader